Rail Yard Ghosts

With members spread across the United States, Rail Yard Ghosts are a self described death grass band. Courting elements of bluegrass and folk punk, their down and dirty musical aesthetic is both poignant and complex. Actively touring and playing together since roughly 2009, an (almost) ever changing lineup continues to fill out this folk punk orchestra. The Rail Yard Ghosts are currently comprised of Ms. RabbitTail Abigail and Mr. Riley Coyote, who hope to expand and include other friends of the road in this band. They are a folk punk band based in Minnesota but are by default a nomadic tribe of screaming transients. Instrumentation includes RabbitTail on the fiddle, and Riley on the gitt-fiddle, though they are both versed in many others which you can hear on their upcoming LP. They have released one full length demo LP (North Country Demo) recorded at the tip of Northern MN as well as a short Live EP. Further recordings include a Punk Xmas album project that the two of them threw together, though it is not necessarily a RYG album. They are currently working hard on A NEW FULL LENGTH LP including re-recordings of some songs from “North Country,” and a whole lot more. Another Project in the making is a STRICTLY PUNK EP with a much more traditional Punk Band Feel… Check back often to download the coming EP and LP! Steel Reserve For Breakfast, anyone???? You can find them busking in Minneapolis, MN when they are inhabiting their home state.